Stories From the Past: How a headline from over 50 years ago connected a daughter to her dad

I subscribe to , and part of the package includes access to . I'd had the service for six months before I took the time to try it, and within the first fifteen minutes of searching, I'd found an article that made the extra fee worthwhile. A few weeks ago, I sat down at my desk and brought up the website. I had about an hour before dinner, so I settled back in my padded chair, laid my hand on the mouse, and clicked in the search bar. I typed in Murl J. Hume, my maternal grandfather's name, and hit enter. On top of the list was an article from the Muscatine Journal and News-Tribune in Muscatine, Iowa. Bingo! I had a hit on my first attempt! The article was titled, Pvt. Murl J. Hume Returns to Camp , and it detailed how Hume, an enlisted Army serviceman, had been home on a 10-day furlough to visit his parents. It also told of his basic training and his Camp address in South Carolina. I smiled at the way small-town news...