What Would Your Enchantment Say?

Over the weekend, I attended a virtual workshop called On Being Human with Jen Pastiloff, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Krista Vernoff. It was two hours of self-reflection and affirmation through writing, music, and movement. One of the writing prompts from Elizabeth Gilbert had us thinking about enchantment - that special kind of charm you'd recognize in a child when she's blowing bubbles or chasing a butterfly. Joy. Wonder. Beauty. Enchantment. She had us write a letter to ourselves that began like this: Dear [your name], I am your Enchantment, and this is what I want to tell you. And could include lines like: The last time I saw you was... I really like it when you... The person/action that makes me leave the room is... I am most at home when... She encouraged us to write freely whatever came to mind, to open ourselves to the world of magic and wonder. This was my letter. Dear Lisa, I am your Enchantment, and this is what I want to tell you. The last time I saw you was last nigh...