What Would Your Enchantment Say?

Over the weekend, I attended a virtual workshop called On Being Human with Jen Pastiloff, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Krista Vernoff. It was two hours of self-reflection and affirmation through writing, music, and movement.

One of the writing prompts from Elizabeth Gilbert had us thinking about enchantment - that special kind of charm you'd recognize in a child when she's blowing bubbles or chasing a butterfly.

Joy. Wonder. Beauty. Enchantment.

She had us write a letter to ourselves that began like this:

Dear [your name], I am your Enchantment, and this is what I want to tell you.

And could include lines like:

The last time I saw you was...
I really like it when you...
The person/action that makes me leave the room is...
I am most at home when...

She encouraged us to write freely whatever came to mind, to open ourselves to the world of magic and wonder.

This was my letter.

Dear Lisa,

I am your Enchantment, and this is what I want to tell you. The last time I saw you was last night in the dark. We were looking at a comet over the treetops in the mountains. It was a clear, calm night - perfect for me to unveil my whole self. We watched the stars and the Milky Way and wondered at the distant planets. You chose me over staying at camp and sleeping. You let Shawn guide you toward me, as he often does when you're stuck in logic and routine. I love it when you call me a Doorway - when you recognize my Divine message. I want more of your time.

Love, Your Enchantment

Comet NEOWISE: July 18, 2020

Writing the letter was a wonderful reminder of how I want to spend my days - relentlessly looking for beauty and inviting enchantment into my life.

We often get so busy pursuing success, power, and money that we abandon our Enchantment. We forget to do what brings us joy. We miss seeing the beauty around us. 

Set a timer for five minutes and write your own letter.

Let your Enchantment describe how to live a full life.

Some recent Doorways:
  • I watched the movie, Patriot's Day, about the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon in 2013. It was a moving, "ripped from the headlines" account of how the whole community came together in Love and didn't let fear break their spirit.
  • I observed a fiery sunset, one that shone a fierce ray of light through the blinds, and marveled at the brilliant colors.
Fiery Sunset
The picture doesn't do it justice!
  • My husband helped me get my van to the tire shop safely amid the pandemic then went through the McDonald's drive through for lunch. We resisted eating the fries until we could get home and transfer the food to clean plates and wash our hands. It was worth the effort to have my first chicken nuggets since February!


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