Answered Prayer at Mayo Clinic

I have been doing dialysis over a month for acute kidney failure. Each day labs have been reviewed and checked for progress and each day my kidneys were still not functioning.

During the last week, the labs indicated my kidneys were showing signs of waking up. Thursday’s dialysis was postponed followed by Friday’s and Saturday’s.  On Sunday, right after viewing church on line, the kidney doctor came in and announced my kidneys had improved enough I no longer needed dialysis. All at once, I smiled, clapped my hands, and my eyes filled with tears of profound gratitude.  I was overwhelmed by the positive impact it would have on my plans to come home. 

However, I still have a big obstacle yet to overcome in healing my severe pressure wounds. This and physical therapy will be my main focus as I look toward discharge.  

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers. They’re working!




  1. We love to hear good news, but this is one of those news to yell about! We will continue praying and asking for prayers. There are never enough of them and always listen. We love u,Lisa. Your uncle Doug preach last Sunday and toll the church all about this good news. Praise the Lord!

  2. What an answer to prayer! Great news to hear!! Rev. Eric

  3. So thankful for this rush of good news! You are strong and courageous, Lisa. We will keep praying!

  4. Praise the Lord!!!! What wonderful news!!!!

  5. praise be to god for your fantastic healing in your body .may god keep you and watch over you. wishing you all the best. ron.

  6. I'm so happy to read this good news. I'll be thinking of you and fingers crossed things continue to improve from here.


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