Unpacking The Beauty Myth: How we can redefine beauty for each other
I joined a book club several years ago because I wanted to a) get out of my reading comfort zone, and b) cultivate meaningful friendships. The group has exceeded my goals and has opened my eyes to a wide range of worldly experiences and ideas. Last month, we selected a book from Emma Watson's book list called The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf. Written in 1991, Wolf examines the evolution of female beauty over the last century and calls out the social, economical, and political constructs at work behind how society defines a "beautiful woman." She lays out the dangers of buying into the beauty myth: sexual harassment normalization, eating disorders, diet pills and plans, mainstreaming pornography to target young girls, and cosmetic surgery to "fix" a perceived problem. (** She also points out, in an introduction written in 2001, that men are beginning to feel the effects of the Beauty Myth, too.) And Wolf parallels the encroaching, ever-changing beaut...