Life Lessons I've Learned from Riding Trails: Part 2

I'm spending another week in Moab, Utah to ride trails and soak up the spring sunshine before heading back to snowy Montana!

Last week I shared eight life lessons I've learned from trails, and this week I have another six for you.

#9: It helps to have a record of where you’ve been so you don’t get lost. When we go trail riding, we use a GPS to track our history. Even with the best maps, it's easy to get lost in the wilderness, so keeping a record of where you've been helps orient and get you to your destination. For life's trails, records like pictures, journals, and family histories help keep you out of the wilderness.

#10: Trust yourself to drive over the obstacles, but don’t get overconfident. Life inevitably has obstacles of varying sizes and degrees of difficulty. Trust that you can overcome these challenges, but know when to ask for help.

#11: Some obstacles can be removed or driven around; other times you’re better off turning around. There will be times that you can't overcome the obstacle in front of you. In those cases, be open to alternative solutions and be wise enough to stop and turn around.

#12: Trails are often safer and more fun with friends. Sure, everyone needs some time and space to themselves (self-proclaimed introvert speaking!). But life is richer when you can share it with friends.

#13: Some trails turn into sh*t holes... just keep going and take pictures! Life gets messy and muddy, and sometimes you get stuck. Remember to keep going, rely on your friends, and take lots of pictures.

#14: Always tell the stories of the ride. At the end of every ride, we gather around and recount our adventures, laughing and looking back on challenging features. Storytelling adds meaning and purpose to our lives, and YOU get to be the author of yours!

Some doorways from this week:

  • It rained here for a few days, dampening our riding plans and making thick mud puddles. But then a double rainbow came out over camp, and I couldn't help but smile with hope.
  • We visited an area with miles of rolling sand dunes to ride. I immediately decided to take off my shoes and walk in the warm, golden dust. It was beautiful!


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