The Beauty of Wedding Rings and Other Symbols

For nearly two years, I haven't been able to wear my wedding ring. 

First, I lost so much weight so that it slid easily off my finger. The jeweler was able to size it down, but then a few months later, I had gained enough weight to make the ring too tight. Unsure of my body's next move, I put my ring in a drawer for a while.

About a year ago, I wanted to size the ring up, but the cost was so steep, I couldn't afford it. The ring went back in the drawer.

As our twentieth anniversary approached last August, I bought a rope necklace and strung it through the ring, wearing it around my neck for several months. But it wasn't the same as wearing it on my finger, and the ring spent more time in the drawer.

Then six weeks ago, after my Grandma had passed away, I received one of her rings. I knew right away that I should resize both rings so I could wear them, and with my husband's new job (and pay raise), I could now afford it.

I picked up both rings today, and I can't believe I went this long not wearing my wedding ring! 

Yes, our marriage was fine without it, but I underestimated the nostalgic and symbolic power the ring held. It's as if I'm looking at it with my newlywed eyes, and I can feel the same joy and love that I felt as a young woman.

Though I make regular efforts not to take things for granted, I had done exactly that with my ring. However, the time spent without it has renewed my gratitude for the symbol and revealed its deeper beauty.

Do you have symbols or mementos in your life that can offer renewal or beauty? 

Can you find a way to access this gift from the past?

Some doorways from this week:

  • My husband was finally able to mow the lawn yesterday in between rain storms, and the smell of freshly cut grass in the clean air was beautiful!

  • I get a regular massage for my muscles twice a month. Last week, a thought popped into my mind that I was compelled to pass on to my therapist. I thought it might be awkward to say, but I knew it was a Divine message sent through me... "Your ability to touch bodies with all of their shapes, sizes, and scars is a Gift. Thank you." She seemed moved by the statement, and I saw the beauty in the moment.
  • I received an unexpected postcard from a friend with a list of five ways I've inspired her. The heartwarming words were just what I needed to hear.


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