Week Four at Mayo Clinic

I've been at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota since February 15th. More than three quarters of the time has been spent in the ICU and the hospital.

How am I doing? Honestly, it’s been a rough roller coaster. Although my body is SLOWLY healing, my mental health needs support. 

I stand in the shadow of anxiety, loneliness, fatigue, frustration, and sadness. 

Then gratitude, peace, strength, and optimism shine through the clouds.

Eariler this week, I had my first and second panic attack in a series of lucid dreams. Mild hallucinations and imagined voices set in, too. It was scary. It was confusing. Some of what I imagined was kinda funny!

When I talked to my doctors, they told me that I likely had a mild case of delirium caused by the disorienation, loud noises, and changing faces of a hospital. They told me my nightmares were typical and reassured me that I was safe.

They gave suggestions for relief. Keep your mind occupied with puzzles, word searches, or other hobbies. Move around the room if possible. Recognize that it’s a common occurance. And above all else, get good sleep!

After a couple of good nights’ rest, I think I’ve turned the corner. I’m celebrating the small wins —

like a shower cap shampooo…

sitting up in my wheelchair…

and draining a good amount of fluid from my abdomen.

I’m learning to open up to visitors, advocate for myself in all scenarios, and ask for and accept help.

Thanks for all of your care and encouragement. You fill me up!




  1. Hi Lisa! Not sure that my name displays, so this is Suzanne. Thank you for the update - I’ve been thinking of you and sending support, good thoughts and prayers. I LOVE wordle if you haven’t tried it (google it!) xo

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lisa, Thankyou so much for sharing your journey. Our prayers are with you. We're struggling thru without your leadership on the board ;) Stay strong and get well!


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