Voyage of Discovery: Having new eyes

As I flipped my calendar to July this morning, I knew that I had to post my inaugural entry today. The inspiring quote for this month (along with some cute giraffe picture) is today's RL4B experience, and it's quite infinite in it's meaning.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust

The quote itself seems to be about Relentlessly Looking for Beauty, so by finding it's advice beautiful, I think it's quite like looking into one of those mirrors that reflect other mirrors, or dreaming that you're dreaming, or coming upon an unending loop in some computer code... which makes me think about spirals which are (nearly) always beautiful. A person could get caught in this web of thinking pretty quickly, so I'll jump out for now.

I am yet unsure of where my blogging adventure will lead. In the least capacity, I hope for it to serve as a creative outlet for my words and as a way for me to reflect on (and be grateful for) God's great gifts. At the most... well, I can only imagine what other purposes may exist for any readers who happen upon my little corner of the world: inspiration, reflection, entertainment, relaxation, or simply a way for my friends and family to keep up.

I hope you can find new eyes along with me.


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